Weekly Topic
Week 4: Learning through Discussions
Thank you all for your engagement throughout the four-week Denali Discussion Forum. We learned so much from each of you, and hope that the discussion forum turned out to be a helpful resource to extend your own understanding of landscape change in the area where you live and get to know some fellow community members in turn. The prompt for the final week was helpful for us to get a better sense of the processes and outcomes that resulted from your participation in a deliberation about environmental issues. As was the case for other parts of our Discussion Forum, your responses were very enlightening and helped our research team gain…
Week 3: The Role of Values in Management
Week 3 of the Denali Discussion Forum explored the values that guide your lives and influence preferences for public land management. You also discussed how your values were, or were not, shared by others in your community and land management agencies responsible for decision-making. We have appreciated your continued participation over the last three weeks and the respectful tone you have maintained, even when your perspectives have differed. In line with our observations from the first two weeks, there are many interesting points of agreement and differences highlighted that we have summarized in this sheet. Your feedback on this material would be welcomed either online or by email. Week 3…
Week 2: Land Management Priorities
This week’s Denali Discussion Forum explored the management practices that residents thought could address the benefits and threats highlighted in Week 2 (January 18-22). Participation in this week’s exercise was high, and similar to last week, there has been tremendous enthusiasm and interest expressed. We have noticed that some perspectives are converging while others are maintaining unique directions. These similarities and differences are exactly what we would hope to see! We would like to commend everyone for maintaining a respectful tone and showing a clear interest in learning from one another. We developed this summary sheet to share what we have observed from your posts. We would very much appreciate…
Week 1: Benefits and Threats
Thank you all for participating in the Denali Discussion Forum. Our team has been learning a great deal from each of you and feeling inspired by the thoughtful and interesting ideas that have been shared. In Week 1, there were a total of 118 posts among 38 residents who are participating in the online discussion. We have developed the summary below to reflect on and synthesize all of your exchanges. It is our hope that this summary is both comprehensive, but also nuanced enough to give justice to your perspectives. We would appreciate receiving your feedback on how we are interpreting your ideas. Please provide your reflection in the Forum…