The Denali region of Interior Alaska and the Matanuska-Susitna Valley is a great place to live. People who live here frequently note that their fellow residents and communities make living in the Denali region special. This online discussion board is based on the value of communities, especially when residents come together to discuss complex topics. The goal is that the dialog residents engage in here will be used as a bridge for community members and decision-makers to help shape the future of the Denali region. Specifically, residents will exchange ideas to learn from other members of their community and build collective knowledge that will be shared with decision-makers.

Each week residents were asked to discuss a different topic related to landscape change and public land management. At the start of each week we posted a summary on the Summaries page. Participants read the summary and provided a reflection about the week’s discussion. Participants were prompted to indicate if the summary of the discussion was accurate, and if not what could be changed to better capture the conversation. This information will be shared with decision-makers, so we wanted to make sure that our interpretation of the discussion was representative of the diverse viewpoints of Alaska residents!
Then, participants posted their responses to the weekly prompt. Participants were asked to respond to other resident’s comments throughout the time period to create a discussion around the topic prompt. The prompts were meant to spark conversation around a general topic, but the direction of the discussion was left open to the participants.
Only residents who participated in the forum are able to access the discussion board posts. You will not be able to see the discussion board content until you are logged into your account. Login Here