

How do I know if I’m logged in?

If you are logged in you will see your name and photo in the Forum Login box. If you are not logged in you will be able to provide your username and password to log in.

How do I log in?
  1. Navigate to the Forum Login box on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Type in your username and password. Check “Keep me signed in” to stay logged in next time you access the forum. Click Log In.
  3. You should now see your name and photo for your account in the Forum Login box.
  4. You should now see your name and photo for your account in the Forum Login box.

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I forgot my login information.

Navigate to to reset

  1. Click “Lost Password” in the Forum Login box on the right-hand side of the page.
  2. Type in your username or email. You will then receive an email in 5-10 minutes to reset your password.

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How do I submit my weekly reflection?
  1. Navigate to the Weekly Reflection page.
  2. Read the summary of the previous week’s discussion
  3. Provide your feedback on the discussion form. Provide your email address at the bottom of the form if you want a copy of your response.
  4. Click the “submit” button.

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How do I post on the discussion board?
  1. Navigate to the Discussion Board page.
  2. Select the weekly topic that you would like to comment on.
  3. Reply to the discussion prompt or other participant’s responses.

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How do I reply to another participant’s comment?

Click the “Reply” button above the comment on the right hand side of the box.

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How do I like another participant’s comment?

Click the “thumbs up” button at the bottom of the discussion comment to indicate you liked the participant’s response.

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I’m getting a 404 error.

You are most likely getting this error because you are trying to access a page without being logged in. Login, then try the link again.

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I do not see the discussion board when I click the link.

For security reasons the discussion board is private. You can only view the discussion board if you are logged into your account. Login, then try accessing the discussion board again.

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